Farmacja Notatki aplikacyjne

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Tytuł i opis
A Comprehensive GC-TOFMS Metabolomics Workflow

Early Type 2 Diabetes prediction can be facilitated by the implementation of a metabolomics method for the identification of T2DM biomarkers. A complete automated derivatization workflow is explored.

Using High Performance GC-TOFMS to Effectively Monitor Patients for Opioids and other Drug Classes

Deadly Counterfeit Pills: Untargeted Analysis of Fentanyl-Laced Drugs

Cannabis Analysis: Hemp Potency Determination

Determination of Moisture in Cannabis

Cannabis Terpene Profiles Pegasus BT4D

Introduction to Simply GCxGC

An Online Guide for Optimizing Comprehensive Two Dimensional GC Separations

Analysis of Smoker and Non-Smoker Urine Using the Pegasus BT4D

Urine is a favored biological fluid for medical testing since it is easy to obtain in large quantities and provides a window into an individual's exposure, diet, and general health. Comprehensive GCxGC-TOFMS data can be used to visually differentiate smoker and non-smoker urine standard reference materials.

Spice Wars – Are You Battle Ready? Analysis of Synthetic Cannabinoids Using an HR-CI Source Operated in EI and CI Modes

StayClean Ion Source Stability

Barbiturates Urine Pegasus BT

Rapid Screening Analysis for Barbiturates in Human Urine by GC-TOFMS

Quantitative Analysis of y-Hydroxybutyrate in Hair using Target Analyte Finding Processing of Comprehensive GC-HRT Data

How Comprehensive is Your Analysis? Human Molecular Profiling Using High Resolution Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry

Characterization of Green Leaf Tobacco Extracts Using GC-HRT

Unambiguous Pesticide Identification in Cigarette Tobacco

Comprehensive Analysis of Drug Residues from a Confiscated Pipe: GC-High Resolution Mass Spectrometry with Chemical Ionization to Facilitate Unknown Identification