Wyświetlanie wyników dla „glow discharge spectroscopy”

Notatki aplikacyjne

Snapshot: Analysis of Boron

Glow Discharge Spectroscopy Application Snapshot: Analysis of Boron in Low-Alloy Steel
Numer referencyjny: 209-216-009 Analiza pierwiastkowa
Notatki aplikacyjne

Snapshot: QDP Analysis of Thin Oxide Layers

Glow Discharge Spectroscopy Application Snapshot: Quantitative Depth Profile analysis of thin oxide layer on polished stainless steel
Numer referencyjny: 209-216-002 Analiza pierwiastkowa
Notatki aplikacyjne

Snapshot: QDP Analysis of Hard Disk on Glass

Glow Discharge Spectroscopy Application Snapshot: Quantitative Depth Profile analysis of 40GB hard disk on glass substrate
Numer referencyjny: 209-216-004 Analiza pierwiastkowa

Upcoming Trade Shows and Events for the Metals and Mined Materials Industry

Are you interested in learning more about our offerings for elemental analysis of inorganic samples or sample preparation equipment for metallography? Then we highly recommend visiting us at one of our upcoming trade shows! We will be attending a great line-up of shows this Spring/Summer. Below is a list of when and where we’ll be […]

Analiza pierwiastkowa

Routine Elemental Analysis with the GDS900

We’re pleased to introduce the GDS900 Glow Discharge Atomic Emission Spectrometer. The GDS900 brings state-of-the-art technology designed specifically for routine bulk elemental determination in most conductive solid metal matrices.


Steely Solutions

Join LECO for a series of webinars on the measurement of chemically and structurally transformed steel.


Sulfur and Superalloys: the 844 Series

LECO’s combustion instruments are capable of detecting sulfur at the same low levels as a glow discharge instrument for a fraction of the cost.

Analiza pierwiastkowa

Visit Us at Metalcasting

Heading to Fort Worth? Come see our team at Booth #308!

Analiza pierwiastkowa, Metalografia

Thanksgiving Dinner is so Metal: Science Keeps You Safe

Have you ever given thought to how much metal goes into making a Thanksgiving meal? Chances are good that when you sit down to a roast turkey, LECO was there somewhere along the way.

Analiza pierwiastkowa, Metalografia

Additive Manufacturing from Start to Finish

At LECO, we understand the importance of quality control in additive manufacturing. That’s why we offer a full range of analysis techniques to ensure your parts are built up correctly and to the highest standards.
