Protein Determination after Dumas in Milk and Milk Products

Perfect and easy analysis for solid and liquid products. Protein is one of the most significant nutrient components in milk products. The accurate and precise determination of protein not only plays a role in the characterization of nutritional or dietary value of milk products but is also the key to determining the economic value of […]

Unveiling Aromatic Alchemy: Analyzing Anti-Waste Beer with Gas Chromatography

Embark on a scientific odyssey into the captivating world of aroma analysis as we delve into the intricate bouquet of 'Cacciatori di Briciole’ (Breadcrust Hunters) beer. Through meticulous analysis conducted by esteemed scientists, we explore the transformative power of sustainable brewing practices. Decoding the Aromatic Tapestry Unlock the secrets hidden within each sip of 'Cacciatori […]

Professor Langley Awarded with Silver Jubilee Medal from Chromatographic Society

And the award goes to… Professor John Langley! He is a beacon of excellence in the realm of separation science. We are thrilled to announce that Professor Langley has been honoured with the prestigious 2024 Silver Jubilee Medal by The Chromatographic Society! Leading the characterisation and analytics section at the University of Southampton, Professor Langley has […]

MOSH/MOAH Analysis: Elevate your expertise with Hands-on Demos

Elevate your expertise in analytical chemistry and food safety with a hands-on demonstration of the state-of-the-art GC×GC-TOFMS/FID workflow for MOSH/MOAH analysis. Following our insightful webinar, „Mastering the Workflow for MOSH/MOAH Analysis”, we are offering personalized demonstrations tailored to enrich your understanding and skills in this critical domain. These demos provide a unique opportunity to see […]

LECO Interview with Sheffield Assay Office

Dr. Belen Morales, Head of Analytical Services talked with LECO about how the Sheffield Assay Office serves its customers, the technologies and types of analysis employed to meet the clients’ requirements, the scope of treated sample range, and the role LECO is playing in this context. Belen has over 18 years of experience in testing […]

Quantitative Analysis of Polychlorinated Paraffins by Comprehensive GCxGC-HRTOFMS

In this application note, you will learn how the combination of GCxGC and HRTOFMS resulted in excellent quantitative PCP data. Household dust is a repository of hazardous compound accumulation and therefore an important indicator of chemical exposure. Humans are regularly exposed to a wide variety of harmful substances in dust such as pesticides, flame- retardants, […]

MOSH/MOAH Analytics: e-FoodLab Interview with Dr. Susanne Kühn, Kirchhoff Institute

Have you seen the article in the latest eFoodLab issue about MOSH/MOAH analytics? In this interview Dr. Susanne Kühn from our customer Kirchhoff Institute describes how she uses LECO´s GCxGC-BT-TOF-MS for the characterization of the MOAH fraction. She describes why GCxGC enables a more detailed examination of the MOSH and MOAH fractions.  Interested?

Protein Analysis – Dumas vs. Kjeldahl

The protein content in food and feeds is one of the parameters that are commonly analysed within most routine control samples in a food laboratory. LECO’s FP828 and FP928 nitrogen determinators are both well-suited for rapid analysis.

Analiza mleka i produktów mlecznych z pomocą LECO

Skuteczna analiza produktów mlecznych Analiza produktów mlecznych jest ważną częścią portfolio produktów LECO do analizy żywności. Systemy LECO kontrolują jakość, bezpieczeństwo żywności i wartości odżywcze mleka i produktów mlecznych. Oznaczanie wilgotności/popiołu/białka jest szybkie i dokładne zarówno w matrycach płynnych jak i stałych. Mleko surowe, śmietana, twaróg, mleko w proszku lub ser – nie wymaga specjalnej […]

Enhance Your Biomarker Discovery and Validation Using LECO GC-TOFMS

GC-MS is widely viewed as the gold standard for biomarker discovery and identification in breath research. Multiple articles have been published utilising LECO GC-TOFMS and GC×GC-TOFMS showing typically: 4-8 times more identifiable features Vastly improved chromatographic resolution of coeluting peaks Enhanced detection limits for target biomarkers and non-target screening simultaneously Significantly increased identification confidence with efficient […]

Enhance your Food Analysis with LECO Solutions

LECO instruments analyse the quality, safety, and nutritional value of many foods and feeds – from raw foods to final consumer-ready products. Specific Advantages Including: Moisture Determination – Loss on drying automated up to 16 samples simultaneously MOSH/MOAH Determination – Identify and quantify the source of contamination Detection of Pesticides – Even in the most […]

Determination Of Moisture In Flour With The TGM800

The TGM800 is a thermogravimetric analyser designed to determine moisture content of materials using a loss-on-drying technique. Mass loss of the sample is measured as a function of the oven temperature by controlling the atmosphere and ventilation rate. An accurate determination of moisture content in flour products provides important information related to the food quality […]

New Pegasus® BT 4D Nofer Institute Of Occupational Medicine In Łódź

We are proud to announce the successful delivery and installation of a unique apparatus set at our unique customer. NOFER INSTITUTE OF OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE in Łódź, which includes the BIOLOGICAL MONITORING AND ENVIRONMENT DEPARTMENT, headed by Prof. Dr. hab. n. med. Wojciech Wąsowicz is a thriving and opinion-forming center, participating in many national and international […]

Cost-effective Primary Moisture Analysis For Dairy Products

An accurate determination of moisture content in milk products provides important information related to the food quality and safety (texture, taste, microbial stability). Moisture is also a key variable used to calculate a product’s purity, yield, and /or resulting constituent analysis on a dry basis. The TGM800 provides the user with flexible method settings, automation, and hardware capabilities […]

The Power of GC-TOF-MS for Food and Environmental Analyses

LECO Europe is presenting a two-day virtual seminar on how LECO GC-TOF-MS and GC×GC-TOF-MS technologies can dramatically enhance your applications for Food Analysis (9th June) and Environmental (11th June). These presentations are now available on-demand. Day 1 // 9th June 2020 // FOOD Speakers include: Jürgen Wendt & Nick Jones // LECO Europe; Giorgia Purcaro // University […]

Evaluating Oxidized Base Oils By Flow Modulated GC×GC-TOFMS

At LECO’S GCxGC Workshop & Symposium (filmed at the LECO European Application and Training Centre, Berlin, Germany) Paul Harvath gave a talk entitled „Evaluation of Oxidized Base Oils by Flow Modulated Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography – Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry”. In his talk he gave an insight about the history and future of engine oils […]

New Pegasus® GC-HRT+ 4D For The University Of Southampton

LECO’s PEGASUS® GC-HRT+ 4D will be the newest addition to the University of Southampton’s School of Chemistry, offering unique capabilities to UK researchers. Read what Professor John Langley has to say about the new mass spectrometer. “Highly advanced Southampton spectrometer to spearhead chemical research across southern region. Researchers across the south of England will analyse novel and […]
