Zasoby LECO do analizy Azot

Opcje instrumentu do analizy Azot

Seria 836

Analiza elementarna - oznaczanie zawartości tlenu, azotu i wodoru

Seria 736

Analiza tlenu i azotu metodą stopienia próbki w gazie obojętnym

Seria 928

Analiza próbek makro metodą spalania

Seria 828

Oznaczanie zawartości węgla, wodoru, azotu i białka dla próbek makro metodą spalania

TruSpec Micro


Noty aplikacyjne dotyczące analizy Azot

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Wiadomości lub historie Azot

20 marca 2025 Protein Analysis in Dairy Products with LECO – Part 2

In the second part of this blog series, we will detail a comparison test for determining non-protein nitrogen (NPN) and non-casein nitrogen (NCN).

19 lutego 2025 Protein Analysis in Dairy Products with LECO—Part 1

We are introducing a short series of blog posts to explore the benefits of the Dumas method of protein determination with a focus on milk and milk products.

9 stycznia 2025 Global Provider of Food and Beverage Testing Services Relies on LECO’s FP928 

Unlike the Kjeldahl method, the Dumas method avoids toxic acids, making it safer for the environment and health. It is also simpler, faster, and more sustainable. Many food labs now prefer or supplement the Kjeldahl method with the Dumas method for protein determination in food and feed.

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