Analyzing a metallographic sample is necessary to understand what you’re really working with, or to ensure a job is done right. The hardness of a metal, as well as its grain structure, reveals important properties of the material. Properly preparing a sample for analysis is a must if you want to be able to trust […]
Znacznik: metallography
LECO is Showing Off at Upcoming Trade Shows
LECO will be at IMAT in Cleveland, Ohio, and MS&T in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. At both shows, we’ll be bringing our new metallographic saw, the CX300, our AMH55 system, the CS744 combustion analyzer, and our GDS lamps.
Cutting and Sectioning Metallographic Samples – What Type of Saw do I Need?
Sectioning machines (enclosed abrasive saws) come in a variety of sizes, shapes, and methods for cutting. Selecting what type of saw you need isn’t always as straightforward as you think. The most helpful tool is knowing what samples you want to cut.